Thursday, 28 March 2019

Current events

L.I: To learn current events.

Current events are like things that are happening now and they can also be a article and I had an article as well my article was about wellington beaches smoke free and this is there 2025 plan to do and that is good because it is bad to smoke and if you are driving and you are smoking with kids in your car it is dangerous to smoke in front of your kids because they might get sick and you might not know what to do so they started and they made signs of smoke free at some beaches at wellington.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019


L.I: To include others

This week for kiwi can I was learning about friendship and how to include others when the kiwi can leaders said that we talked about it and we learnt about it and our theme was positive relationship then we got to our energizer.

The energizer for us was called last man standing last man standing was that you had to pick are tager and if you are the tagger you had to tag us many people us you can but if you are the tagger you can't get out when we finished the energizer we had a little talk about including others then we got to our activity the activity was called secret card this game was about including others because you had to get in a group and then we finished

When we were done we went back to class.  

Friday, 22 March 2019


L.I: To learn how to get data.

This week for maths I was learning about making a tally chart and how to make a graph but before we did this we got the data from playing snag we got the data like if we hit we put 1 tally and if we are near we put 1 tally and if we miss we put 1 tally again then  I made a graph the graph was about how many times we hit it or made it near and the last one was miss this graph shows how many time me and my partner hit miss and near.


L.I: To unlock a keyword summarise a text.

This week for reading I was learning about summarising a text to get the keywords but sometimes you can scim or scam to find it quick but I just read it so I could understand it so I just read till I reached the end then I highlighted the keywords that are important for you to understand the story then I made a what, where, who, why and how I answered these questions then I had to write a summary about the keywords but my summary had to be 25 words or less.    

Hauora the four dimensions

L.I: To learn the four dimensions of Hauora.

This week for inquiry we were learning about hauora and the four dimensions the four dimensions are social, physical, emotions/mental and spiritual these are all the dimensions then we made are chair then we put under our chair is we wrote the four dimensions underneath it but I never did it I did it with my group and then I finished all the chairs for my group then we were done. This is a example of about the four dimensions and what they do and what they don't do.       

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Kiwi sport ki o rahi

L.I: To play the full game of ki o rahi.

This week for ki o rahi we were learning about the full game we all applied the things we learnt to the game then everyone got tags then we got into our teams then we were in our teams and we were all in even teams then we talked about what we learnt then we started playing.

Ki o rahi

When we played my team was in kioma and the other team was taniwha and the kicker for my team was my friend then we catched the then I had a ran when my tag came of I had to pass it but if I didn't pass it and both of my tags came of it would be a hand over and it would be taniwha team and the taniwha team has to throw the ki to the tupu but it is hard because my team had kaitiaki then the taniwha team got some tries but then the kaitiaki had the ball then they passed it to as when we did all the we had a lot of tries then we finished and then we won but the other team were catching up but we still the game Ki o rahi.

Friday, 15 March 2019


L.I: To learn about abusing.

This week I learnt about abuse but different kind of those we learnt about that from Consterball Sires he is a police officer and he teached as different kind of abuse then we played a game the game was all about situations but the situations were about abusing then we understanded all about the game then we knew the then we were confident about as picking then we all had some laughs but it was fun.

Julian Dennison

L.I: To learn all about Julian Dennison.

This week for reading I was talking about Julian Dennison I had to make questions about him but then I had to be in a group then I find myself a group then we started working together then as a group we got more details then we got a lot of details but not that much but we tried our best to finish the things we put down and we still liked it.


L.I: To learn different adjectives.

This week for writing I was doing a list about adjective but I had to get in a group to make this and some of us had a lot of words and was good then we had to put our words together then this is what it looked like and then we were all happy and then we agreed to put our words together one by one then it worked then we finished and all of us had a great post.  

Kiwi sport/Kiwisport

L.I: To learn how to play the full game of Ki o Rahi.

Today for ki o rahi we played the real game and we had fun and people was fast at learning and my team was the best and the other team was trying their best to win but we won but then we swapped teams then we knew why it was hard but we still got goals but there team didn't get a goal then when the time finished we got to get drinks and we got back to playing then our team worked great then we got some decent tries but the other team was also trying as well but we had the most goals then we won the game and each of us had drinks and was happy then everyone was happy that they won but the other team was upset but we ignored it.


L.I: To learn how to make tally marks
This is a graph it is showing how I got one hundred tally’s I did two tries because I went over one hundred and then my second try was good I never went over one hundred I was better than last time then we had to make a graph that is like we did with the tally's but a bit different then we finished it then I showed my partner then we were done then my partner said we did a perfect job.

Types of Touch

L.I: To make a poster about a safety topic

This week for inquiry we were learning about types of touch and so others know how to understand touches that a bad and touches that a good also a confusing touch that is important because if you don't understand touches you won't know touches to do to your friends.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Digital Safety Cards

Kiwi can

L.I: To work as a team

This week for kiwi can our theme was positive relationships and our new topic was cooperation then we were talking about cooperation when we finished understanding it we played our energizer.

 The energizer was called opposite actions for opposite actions it was like when someone says put your hands up you have to keep your hands down and that was our energizer our activity was command this game was a game about cooperation and some of the things we did was about working as a team as well. Then we played gkq and then we went back to class. 

Friday, 8 March 2019


L.I: Learning about 

This week for maths we were doing measuring with a netball court we measured how long is the court with google maps but it wasn't that accurate because it was far at space then we used a meter ruler then we put together the meter ruler and that was hard work then we used something else it was a 30m ruler it was the same as the meter ruler but it was hard work as well and we had to put it end to end then the next thing we were using was measuring tape that was even quicker then the other tools and the images are showing the things and my demonstrating.

Thursday, 7 March 2019


L.I: Learn the role of kioma.
This week for kiwisport we were doing the kioma role after we were 
talking about kioma we were learning what does the kioma do first.

Kioma team.
The kioma team had to stand on Te marama then they have to kick it to the kaitiaki then they have to catch it. When our coach teached as we were ready to try it then when we kick some of as had perfected kicks and some people were trying and they were trying catching as well.

When the ball roles it is the taniwhas teams ball and if it drops it is the taniwhas teams ball again and if the kaitiaki catch it they throw it at the kioma team in Te Ao. When the kaitiaki enter they go through Te ara and exit through Te ara. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Kiwi can

L.I: To learn about Praise

This week for kiwi can our theme was Positive relationship and our topic was Positive communication then we learnt about Praise. Praise means you can encourage people when they are playing a game and even if they finish their work.

The first energizer was ro-pa-si tag this game was about getting as warmed up then we went in side. 

When we went in side we were talking about Praise again so we could understand what it means and what it helps us do. The last activity was hand soccer hand soccer was about Praise and some people was encouraging each other then we went back to class.